_About Us
The Old Newsboys’ Goodfellow Fund of Detroit is a 102-year-old charity founded in 1914 by James J. Brady. The organization includes 300 members whose sole mission is to ensure that there is “No Kiddie without a Christmas.” Each holiday season the Detroit Goodfellows distribute holiday gift boxes to children ages four through 13 living in Detroit, Highland Park, River Rouge, Hamtramck and Harper Woods. Each child receives warm clothing, toys, books, games and candy. For more on this program, please click on CHRISTMAS PACKAGES.
The Detroit Goodfellows are not affiliated with any other Goodfellow organization and there is no national headquarters. You will see our members out on the streets of Detroit each year on the Monday after Thanksgiving for our Sales Day event. You can donate any amount to purchase a paper. For more information on Sales Day and other annual events including our Tribute Breakfast fundraiser, please select the EVENTS page. All proceeds go towards the holiday gift program and our other programs. We are not just a Christmas charity. For information on our shoe, dental and campership programs, please refer to our OTHER PROGRAMS page.
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation to the Detroit Goodfellows, please send a check payable to the Detroit Goodfellows to P.O. Box 44444, Detroit, MI 48244-0444. You may also make an online gift using PAYPAL by going to DONATE.
- FORM 990 Goodfellows Form 990
- AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENT THROUGH 1/31/16 Old Newsboys Financial Stmts
- GOODFELLOW BOARD AND ADMINISTRATOR 2016 boardofdirectorsandstafflist2016
- DONOR BILL OF RIGHTS detroitgoodfellowdonorbillofrightsnovember2015
- DONOR PRIVACY POLICY detroitgoodfellowdonorprivacypolicynovember2015